7th Sunday after Epiphany  

On this 7th Sunday of Epiphany Season, we hear Jesus’ teaching about extending love, blessing, prayer, and generosity beyond all barriers – even to those who would be our enemies. Jesus speaks extending forgiveness to others, rather than judgment – and the Old Testament lesson tells the heart-moving story of Joseph, who forgave his brothers who had once treated him so badly. Pastor Carl & I have the 2nd installment of our Kickoff Sermon series, with this week’s theme, “From Surviving to Thriving.” We also celebrate our annual blessing of the Living Springs Pew Prayer Bears – and there will be some inspiring music from our JuBELLation Handbells and Disciples of Harmony. In addition to 8:15 and 10:30 worship in the sanctuary, we still have the 10:30 broadcast to the parking lot, as well as livestream on Facebook & Youtube. Keep spreading the word and invite someone to join us! What a tremendous celebration we had last Sunday with our Ministry Focus Kickoff! The umbrellas of God’s H.O.P.E were such a joyful sight – covering the lawn, in the parking lot, during worship. The Stuff-a-Bus food filling the fellowship hall, plus all the soup cans for our Youth Hunger collection, were truly awe-inspiring. If you were not able to be here last Sunday, you can get a copy of the Ministry Theme bookmark using the link above. We invite each person to circle a few items on the bookmark that might speak especially to you – and keep the bookmark in a visible place as a reminder of how the Spirit might be tugging at your heart for healing or sharing H.O.P.E. with others. As people of faith, we hear the call to break through barriers, to move from surviving to thriving, to be stretched by the cross of Christ’s love – and extend the Umbrella of God’s HOPE! What a joyful time to be together this weekend for worship! #Sunday Worship